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Saturday, November 27, 2010

WebMath - Circle Equation

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 5:30 PM

WebMathematics Interactive (WMI) is an open source mathematics software. It mainly supports solving problems and exercises in mathematics for the age of 14-20. WMI also helps in verifying solutions and discovering skills and level of knowledge. Users need only internet connection and a web browser to use WMI.

You know circles are round. This is pretty simple. But, the mathematical description of circles can get quite confusing, since there is a set equation for a circle, including symbols for the radius, and center of the circle.

This page will show you how these items reflect the final look of a circle on a plot.

To the right are all possible combinations of equations for a circle. Fill in the one that looks most like the one you ’ re working on, then click "Draw It!"

Click Here to go to the site !

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 3:35 PM

Apple has streamlined the process of dual booting Windows on your Mac, but when it comes to Linux, Boot Camp isn't so friendly. Here's how to triple-boot your Mac with OS X, Windows 7, and the shiny new Ubuntu 10.04.

If you're a Mac user, you may have already used Apple's Boot Camp to get Windows on your system for those must-have programs. With a fast new Ubuntu out, however, you might want to give it a try—but installing Linux isn't exactly easy on Macs, since they don't recognize it by default.

Also complicating things? Linux and Windows' boot loaders will attempt to take over one another. Usually, this is a good thing, because Linux's multi-system loader makes the experience more seamless for PC users—but on a Mac, this really just makes things more difficult (no one wants to go through two menus to choose their OS). As such, installing Linux needs to be done with certain settings applied, or you'll be left with a jumbled mess. Here's a step-by-step guide to making your triple booting experience as user-friendly as possible.

Note that I will go through the steps to installing both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04, but if you already have Windows installed, that shouldn't be an issue—just skip the Windows installation step and move on to installing Ubuntu, which is the more complicated (and important) part anyways.

Install the rEFIt Boot Menu for Macs

Before we do anything else, we're going to install a new boot menu for your Mac that will make your life during and after installation much easier. rEFIt will show up every time you start up your computer, asking you which OS you want to use. By default, it will boot into OS X after 20 seconds of inactivity (so you don't have to be there every time to choose). It's super customizable, though, so you can change your default OS if you want to, as well as tweak other settings to fit into your workflow as best as possible.

Head on over to rEFIt's SourceForge page and download the DMG for the most recent version of the installer (0.14 at the time of this writing). Open it up and launch the installer package, and go through the installation process (which is pretty self-explanatory; it'll do all the work for you). Afterwards, restart your computer to see if it works! If everything goes as planned, your screen should look something like the screen at the top of this article (though if not, you might have to restart twice to get it to show up). Obviously, it'll only have one or two icons instead of three—the others come next!

How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required

At this point, the rEFIt boot menu is fully functional, though if you want to customize it, you'll have to edit your configuration file. More information on this is available in rEFIt's documentation; I won't get deep into it now, but it's not very difficult to tweak things like the default OS, or which tools show up along the bottom. You just need to "uncomment" the given option by removing the # before the relevant command in the text file. You can also customize the icons by swapping your own .icns with the default ones in rEFIt's folder on your hard drive. You can do that now, or move on to partitioning your disk.

Partition Your Hard Drive with Disk Utility

We won't be using Boot Camp to partition our disk, mostly because we don't need to. Since we're triple-booting, it's easier to see it all at once, rather than let some tool do it for us (if you've already installed Windows using Boot Camp, though, that's fine—just ignore the Windows parts of this step). Open up Disk Utility, click on your main drive (the very top option in the sidebar) and head to the "Partition" tab.

We're going to make three new partitions; one for Windows, one for Linux, and one for our Linux swap space, the space Linux uses if it runs out of memory. To do this, just click on your Macintosh HD partition. If you have multiple partitions already, click on the one from which you want to take back some space. Next, hit the plus sign enough times so that you have four total partitions. Click on your first new partition (the one under "Macintosh HD") and on the right side of the window, type "WINDOWS" in the name box. Format this Windows partition to MS-DOS, then make the size whatever you want.

The sizes don't particularly matter, as long as your OS will fit on the partition, and you have enough extra space for whatever you want. I partitioned 50 GB to each OS—probably overkill, but hey, I've got a big drive. Do the same for a Linux and Linux swap partition, formatting each to MS-DOS (the format isn't super necessary, but at least for the Windows installation it does make the process easier). Hit the apply button and let Disk Utility do its thing—it'll seem like it stops responding, but just leave it be for a minute, and you should be all set. Once it's done, move on to the next step.

How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required

Installing Windows 7

Insert your Windows 7 install disc and restart your computer, unless you've already installed it, in which case, move on to installing Ubuntu). As your computer starts up, listen for the familiar Mac startup sound, then immediately press and hold the Option (or "Alt") key on your keyboard, until you see a drive icon with the word rEFIt under it. You'll need to give your system a second to check the CD drives (assuming you're running Snow Leopard, which is a little slow at doing so), but your Windows CD should pop up on the right. Click on the CD icon, then hit Enter to boot into the installation. You might also get a screen that says "Press any key to boot from CD. . .", in which case you'll have to do what it says, or else just restart your computer.

Go ahead and navigate through the first few steps of the installation. When you're asked what type of install you want to perform, choose "custom install", so you can pick and format the partition. You'll want to choose the one named WINDOWS (obviously), though you'll have to format it by clicking "drive options" and then "Format". It should reformat that partition to NTFS for you, after which you can hit the next button. It'll take a little while to install, and it'll restart a few times during that process—whenever it does, select the Windows partition on boot (which should show up in rEFIt now, so you won't need to hold option down again).

How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required

When it's done and you finally get to the Windows desktop, you can go ahead and install the Boot Camp drivers from your Leopard or Snow Leopard install DVD. Since your eject key won't work yet, you'll have to eject your Windows disc manually by going into Windows Explorer, clicking on your optical drive, then choosing the "Eject" button in the toolbar. After inserting your Snow Leopard DVD, it should start automatically with the option to run setup.exe. Pick that, then let the installation run. Once you're done, head back over to OS X, so you can burn and install Ubuntu.

How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required

Installing Ubuntu 10.04

If you don't already have an Ubuntu installation CD, you'll need to head back into your Mac system (or Windows, if you want to give it a go) and grab the ISO from Ubuntu's website. Make sure you get the right one for your machine, whether it be a desktop/laptop or a netbook, and 32- or 64-bit. Once it's downloaded, burn it with your burning program of choice (I'm quite partial to the flexible, open-source Burn myself, though you could also do it with Disk Utility). Once it's burned, keep it in the drive and restart your computer, once again holding option at the startup sound and clicking on the CD that shows up in your boot menu. It will say it's a Windows disc, but don't worry—it's the right one. OS X is just a little confused when it comes to the world outside itself.

It'll take a few minutes for the CD to boot, but you should eventually be presented with the option to try Ubuntu or install it on your computer. Choose install, then go through the first few steps of the process, picking your language, time zone, and keyboard type (USA probably works fine, but I usually pick USA - Macintosh because, you know, that's what I have). When you're presented with the partition window, choose the bottom option to "specify partitions manually"—this is where the fancy footwork comes in.

How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required

Double click on your Linux partition's entry. If you've been following this how-to to the letter, it should be /dev/sda4. You'll be presented with a window in which you manually set the partition's characteristics. I chose to use the partition as Ext4, although you can pick something else if you want—Ext4 seems to be the new standard, so I'd recommend it if you don't know the difference between them all. Check the box to format the partition and make the mount point "/". Hit OK and double click on your 1 GB partition at the end of the drive, set it to be used as a swap area, and then hit OK. At this point, your window should look something like this:

How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required

Go through the rest of the installation until the last window, where it's ready to install and asks you to double-check everything. Hit the advanced button. Make sure "install boot loader" is checked, and change the device for boot loader installation to the same partition on which you installed Linux (in the above case, /dev/sda4). Hit next and let 'er rip. When it's done it should restart your computer and your rEFIt boot menu should contain an option for all three operating systems. If you can successfully boot into both partitions, congratulations! You've got a working triple-boot system.

How to Triple-Boot Your Mac with Windows and Linux, No Boot Camp Required

Unfortunately, installing drivers in Ubuntu is not nearly as easy as installing them in Windows. Actually, it's probably the hardest part of this entire process. It's model-specific to each Mac, so I can't detail it all here, but the Ubuntu Community Documentation is usually quite good at compiling a how-to for each model, so head on over to the page for your model of iMac or MacBook to get everything up and running. Follow the instructions as closely as you can, don't be afraid to ask for help on the Ubuntu forums, and God be with you.

There are, of course, a few different ways to set this up (see our guide to dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu on a PC for a few possible modifications, such as creating a swap file within Ubuntu instead of on a separate partition), but in general this is a straightforward, user-friendly way to get it all working. You won't have to deal with a bunch of different boot menus, and you won't have to deal with OS X's limitations in recognizing Linux drives at boot (though you still won't be able to see your Linux partition from the Mac desktop). If you've got experience with this, though, we'd love to hear your preferred method of triple booting your Mac—tell us about it in the comments!

Multi Trash for Windows

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 3:30 PM

Multi Trash puts a trash can on your Windows 7/Vista sidebar that offers drag and drop file recycling, deletion, and secure shredding.

Once you park it on your sidebar you'll see a trash can labeled according to the mode you're using—in the screenshot we're in the Shredding mode. The arrows on each side of the trash can label toggle you between Recycling, Deletion, and Shredding modes. You'll likely leave it on the mode that you use most frequently and rarely toggle it but using quick-access GUI elements always beats digging around in the options menu. If you do venture into the options menu you can tweak the the three icons—Recycling, Deletion, and Shredding all have distinct appearances—and turn warning messages on and off for all three modes.

One thing worth noting is that the documentation on the Multi Trash web site doesn't specify what kind of secure deletion powers the Shredder function. We tested it with a large file and the burst of intense hard drive activity coupled with our inability to recover the file using basic recovery tools gives us confidence in the tool for basic security. Nonetheless, we'd prefer to know exactly what kind of overwrite method is being used. Multi Trash is freeware, Windows only.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Path Limits Photo-Sharing to Tight Circle

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 6:11 PM

A new social networking startup, Path, is aiming the opposite direction -- at least with its core functionality.

The new San Francisco-based photo-sharing service, which launched as an iPhone app on Sunday, limits users to no more than 50 friends -- barely a third of the 130 friends the average Facebook user has. Path's organizers intend to make the service platform agnostic over the long term, the company said.

The reason: Despite the core premise of social networking -- to share experiences-- Path's founders say people don't feel comfortable sharing the most personal moments with hundreds or even thousands of people, on a fraction of whom are truly close friends.

But on Path, because one's personal network is limited to his or her 50 closest friends and family, the user can presumably feel free to post more personal moments, according to the company.

The Service

Path is headed by former Facebook employee Dave Morin, and in many ways appears to be that service's antithesis.

It doesn't do anything but share photos, at the moment at least. There are no pokes or check-ins, no wall posts for everyone to read. There's just the simple ability for one person to take a photo on a camera phone, tag it as a person, place or thing, and to share that photo with a group of friends.

Only people with whom the photo has been shared can see it, but a geo-location database of anonymized subject tags -- Path uses the example of "dancing with" -- are visible to anyone.

It allows users to see photos shared by friends on a map, and promises other visualizations later.

Unlike some other hot photo-sharing iPhone apps of the moment, such as Instagram, Path doesn't offer filters or modifications to photos.

Path's growth plans are a little grainy. The company is taking username registrations on its website for non-iPhone users and has advertised on Twitter for an Android developer, but it's unclear if or when the company intends to offer different forms of sharing going forward.

The 50-User Limit

The limit was devised based on research by Oxford University Professor Robin Dunbar into social relationships. Dunbar's research, Path said, suggested that 150 is the human limit for social relationships at any one time, with around 50 as the outer boundary of close personal relations.

But Lon S. Safko, a social media expert, said he doesn't think

However, social networking users may not cotton to such a service just because it purports to limit oversharing, according to Lon S. Safko, a social media consultant.

"Exclusivity isn't worth the time any more," he said. "You can already control your groups in Twitter and on Facebook. There's no added value."

That it's limited to photos is another strike, he said.

Many people actually like having large social networking groups, giving many people the 15 minutes of fame they crave. "People are voyeurs at heart," he said. "The more people they add, the more lives they can look at."

Facebookers' Feeds Crawling With Malware, Security Firm Finds

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 6:09 PM

Links to malware-infested sites and other threats lurk in many Facebook users' news feeds, according to research from security vendor BitDefender.

Among approximately 14,000 Facebook users who installed BitDefender's Safego security and privacy app, about one in five has malware in his or her news feed.

More than 60 percent of the attacks detected by Safego are malicious apps that promise various benefits but install malware when they're downloaded, BitDefender spokesperson Dan Wire told TechNewsWorld.

Sixteen percent of attacks use worms that spread using specially crafted messages that are likely to attract attention.

However, Wire warned against using those statistics to reflect on Facebook as a whole. "We stipulated that we were talking about 20 percent of the Safego users, not [20 percent] of all Facebook users," he pointed out.

"The tools and systems we've built, combined with concerted campaigns to arm users with the information to make smarter and safer decisions online, have limited the number of Facebook users impacted by security issues to less than 1 percent, and that's since the founding of the site more than six years ago," Facebook spokesperson Fred Wolens told TechNewsWorld.
Breaking Down the Safego Stats

To date, about 14,000 people have installed the beta version of Safego, a privacy and security app for Facebook that BitDefender launched about a month ago.

Safego has scanned more than 20 million objects on those users' pages since then, and it's found that 20 percent of the users have malware in their news feeds. That means "everything that the user sees -- his wall and what his friends post to their walls," BitDefender's Wire explained

Just over 21 percent of the malware lets users perform actions normally prohibited by Facebook. Just over 15 percent sucks in victims by offering bonuses for various games hosted by Facebook. For example, they offer free coins on "Farmville" and "Mafia Wars." More than 11 percent provide features Facebook doesn't offer. For example, they let you change your background or include a "dislike" button.

Various other forms of attack were also used, but less frequently.
What Safego Does

Safego checks users' privacy levels and identifies personal information that's visible to strangers. It also scans the user's wall, inbox and comments for malicious links and compromised shared content such as videos and photos.

The app also protects users' friends -- users can warn their friends about infected links in those friends' Facebook accounts.

However, Safego doesn't block anything; it only warns users of malware.
Going Beyond Facebook

Despite having its own IT security team, Facebook has repeatedly been hit by malware and spam. Only last week, it was hit by a new attack in which a fake email told users their Facebook password had been changed and asked them to install an attached app. When they did so, a Trojan was downloaded instead.

Further, WebSense statistics showed that between June 22 and July 12, 40 percent of all Facebook status updates contain links and 10 percent of those links were either malware or spam.

"We analyzed half a million posts that were collected by Defensio," Websense spokesperson Patricia Hogan told TechNewsWorld. Defensio is a Facebook security app from Websense.

However, Facebook contends it's ahead of the game. "The systems we've built have helped us stay one step ahead of our attackers so that, as we've more than doubled in size over the last year, the actual effect of the attacks on Facebook hasn't changed," company spokesperson Wolens said.

Then can Safego spot malware when Facebook's own security can't?

"We use our cloud scanning technology in which there's a synergy of all our products -- our antispam, antiphishing and antimalware technology," BitDefender spokesperson Wire explained. "We also look at applications that don't necessarily have a malicious payload like stealing money but spread like a worm instead."

Facebook has begun urging users to make its website their homepage, and that could increase the threat to PC users.

"If you make Facebook your homepage after you've been a user for some time, probably nothing dramatic will happen; Facebook will probably just get more users," BitDefender's Wire said. "But if Facebook's site comes as the browser default on a new computer and the user is not aware of security and privacy issues, that would make the problem worse."

MySpace Bergabung dengan Facebook?

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 7:47 AM

MySpace, salah satu jejaring sosial bergengsi menyatakan bahwa pihaknya akan mengintegrasikan dirinya dengan ‘musuh’ besarnya, yang sekaligus untuk mendongkrak reputasi MySpace dalam sebuah proyek bernama Mashup dengan Facebook. Facebook suka atau tidak suka akan masuk ke dalam program entertainment MySpace, dan user akan mendapat rekomendasi topik dan subsription suggestion untuk program tersebut, dari profil Facebook user.

“Fitur ini akan memberikan ilustrasi yang bagus untuk strategi kami dalam hal entertainment sosial dan membuatnya secara real time. Entertainment yang disajikan berupa fitur yang paling populer di MySpace. MySpace akan memberikan kemudahan bagi user untuk membawa band favorit, selebritis dan film dari Facebook untuk membuat pengalaman personalisasi komunitas di MySpace.” ungkap Dan Rose, VP partnership dan marketing Facebook.

Namun, jika dilihat secara keseluruhan, kerja sama tersebut merupakan keuntungan besar bagi Facebook, tidak hanya dari segi kompetisi, tetapi tampaknya MySpace akan ‘sangat bergantung’ kepada Facebook. Mungkin dana $580 juta merupakan harga kesalahan yang sangat mahal bagi MySpace.

Could Windows Phone 7 succeed with IT ?

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 7:45 AM

Although Microsoft with its Windows Phone 7 platform has tried to satisfy the consumer market with capabilities for music, video, and games, the smartphone's tie-in to Microsoft's back-end server applications could give it an edge in Microsoft-dominated IT shops.

Developers can build applications to access systems such as the SharePoint collaboration platform, BizTalk Server business process management system, and the SQL Server database, said Scott Kerfoot, Microsoft's senior director of technology evangelism.

[ Windows Phone 7 will be a serious game-changer, InfoWorld columnist J. Peter Bruzzese says. But InfoWorld's Galen Gruman points out it doesn't offer basic enterprise security. ]

"You can expose lists in SharePoint as Web services and you can access them directly through the custom application," Kerfoot said. Custom applications can be built to link to servers that use Web-based standards, such as Microsoft's Windows Azure cloud platform.

The enterprise is likely where Microsoft will differentiate itself and make inroads with Windows Phone 7, even as the company fights its way through the consumer market, said analyst Al Hilwa of IDC: "We have seen some of that with SharePoint integration in the Office Hub, Windows Phone 7's 'lite' suite of Office apps, but document editing with Office and a fuller capabilities around device management with integration into IT desktop management will likely come to fulfill that value proposition. Also, as these capabilities are delivered, making wholesale deals with large enterprises will help [Microsoft] make some of the lost ground over the last couple of years."

Windows Phone 7 will be a "force to reckon with," said Brian Reed, chief marketing officer at BoxTone, which provides IT service management for mobile systems. "Windows Phone 7 will be out there, it'll be a player. They've got really good enterprise integration from the back office," Reed said.

But he concurs that the initial version lacks basic security capabilities such as on-device encryption, VPN support, and required-complex-password support. Such capabilities will likely be added over time, he said: "I would expect Windows Phone 7 to add more enterprise features in 2011."

Mobile innovation helps dementia and Alzheimer’s patients

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 7:28 AM

The modern day lifestyle and stress has increased the incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s patients all over the world. As more and more elderly get affected by these memory loss related diseases, they become a growing concern for their caretakers. Whether their caretakers are their children or individuals from various NGOs or senior care centers, keeping track of such patients is always a task.

Some of the most prominent issues with taking care of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia are keeping track of their medication and location. Especially, as a slip in either of these could lead to fatal results. The Vyzin Empowered Security And Guidance (VESAG) watch offers a practical solution to both. The VESAG watch is not only a wireless health monitor that keeps a track of the patient’s key health parameters, but also offers the ability to set customized medication reminders and has a GPS tracker.

The watch helps monitor the blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, pulse, temperature, etc. of the patient and also sends alerts when these parameters reach alarmingly high levels. The medicine reminders give such patients a sense of independence and confidence, as they do not have to be constantly reminded about taking their medication. It also assists caretakers in providing effective health care. The in-built GPS tracker is especially useful when such patients wander away. Their whereabouts can easily be tracked by placing a simple call to the 24/7 support team of VESAG.

In addition to alerting emergency response teams when the patients are distressed, the VESAG team also informs the caretakers of the situation. Since the watch stores vital health related information such as the blood group of the patient, surgery history, allergies, etc., it becomes easier for medical teams to act in case of an emergency. The VESAG watch, thus, not only helps monitor such patients, but gives them a sense of security.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

10 alasan mengapa komputer menjadi Error

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 8:02 PM

akah anda pernah mendapat pesan FATAL ERROR: sistem menjadi tidak stabil atau sibuk, “Enter to return to Windows or press Control-Alt-Delete to restart your computer”.. Jika Anda melakukannya Anda akan kehilangan informasi yang belum di simpan di semua aplikasi yang saat itu terbuka. ”

apakah Anda sudah pernah terkena oleh Blue Screen of Death. Setiap orang yang menggunakan Windows akan akrab dengan hal ini, Apa yang dapat Anda lakukan? Lebih penting lagi, bagaimana anda bisa mencegahnya terjadi?

berikut ini faktor-faktor yang penting untuk diketahui:

1. konflik Perangkat Keras

Nomor satu alasan mengapa crash Windows adalah konflik pada perangkat keras. Setiap perangkat keras berkomunikasi dengan perangkat lain melalui sebuah saluran (IRQ). Ini adalah seharusnya unik untuk setiap perangkat.

Misalnya, printer biasanya menghubungkan secara internal pada IRQ 7. Keyboard biasanya menggunakan IRQ 1 dan floppy disk drive IRQ 6. Setiap perangkat akan mencoba untuk terhubung ke satu IRQ, yang hanya untuk dirinya.

Jika terdapat banyak perangkat, atau jika tidak diinstal dengan benar, dua dari mereka sampai dapat berbagi angka IRQ yang sama. Ketika pengguna mencoba untuk menggunakan kedua perangkat pada saat yang sama, yang bisa terjadi adalah crash. Cara untuk mengetahui apakah komputer Anda memiliki hardware konflik adalah sebagai berikut:

* Start-Setting-Control Panel-System-Device Manager.

jika pada perangkat ada tanda kuning ‘! ” muncul di sebelah dengan keterangan dalam Device Manager. Sorot Computer (di Device Manager) dan tekan Properties untuk melihat nomor IRQ yang digunakan oleh komputer Anda. Jika nomor IRQ tampak dua kali, ada dua perangkat yang mungkin sedang menggunakan satu IRQ.

Kadang-kadang perangkat mungkin berbagi IRQ dengan sesuatu yang digambarkan sebagai ‘pemilik IRQ untuk PCI steering’. Hal ini dapat diabaikan. Cara terbaik untuk memperbaiki masalah ini adalah untuk menghapus masalah perangkat dan menginstallnya kembali.

Kadang-kadang Anda mungkin harus mencari software/driver versi yang lebih baru di internet untuk membuat perangkat berfungsi dengan baik. Sumber yang baik adalah Jika perangkat adalah Soundcard, atau modem, solusi masalah ini dengan memindahkan perangkat tersebut pindah ke tempat yang berbeda pada motherboard (berhati-hati untuk membuka komputer Anda, pastikan komputer tersebut dalam keadaaan mati dan anda harus menyentuh sebuah logam untuk menghilangkan listrik statis pada tubuh anda).

2. RAM yang buruk

Ram (random akses memory) masalah mungkin membawa blue screen of death dengan pesan Fatal Exception Error. Sebuah kesalahan fatal menunjukkan masalah serius pada hardware. Kadang-kadang bisa berarti salah satu bagian yang rusak dan perlu penggantian.

Namun kesalahan fatal yang disebabkan oleh Ram mungkin disebabkan oleh ketidaksesuaian dari chips. Misalnya, mixing 70-nanosecond (70ns) Ram Ram dengan 60ns akan biasanya memaksa komputer untuk menjalankan semua Ram pada kecepatan lambat. Ini akan sering crash mesin jika Ram dalam keadaaan overworked.

Salah satu cara sekitar masalah ini adalah untuk memasuki konfigurasi BIOS dan meningkatkan nilai “wait state” ram. Hal ini dapat membuatnya lebih stabil. Cara lain untuk masalah yang diduga Ram masalah adalah untuk mengatur ulang Ram chips pada motherboard, atau mencabut beberapa ram. Kemudian mencoba untuk mengulangi keadaan yang menyebabkan crash. Bila menangani Ram cobalah untuk tidak menyentuh sambungan emas, karena mereka dapat dengan mudah rusak.

Parity error messages juga merujuk kepada Ram. Modern Ram chips adalah parity (ECC) atau non parity (non-ECC). Cara terbaik adalah untuk tidak mencampur dua jenis ini, karena hal ini dapat menjadi penyebab masalah.

EMM386 pesan kesalahan merujuk ke masalah memori, tetapi mungkin tidak akan terhubung ke Ram yang buruk. Ini mungkin karena masalah memori sering dihubungkan ke program berbasis dos.

3. konfigurasi BIOS

Setiap Motherboard disertakan dengan berbagai chipset pengaturan yang buat di pabrik. Umum cara untuk mengakses pengaturan ini adalah untuk menekan F2 atau tombol delete selama beberapa detik pertama dari boot-up.

Setelah masuk BIOS, Ada baiknya untuk menulis pada sepotong kertas semua pengaturan yang muncul di layar. Dengan demikian, jika Anda mengubah sesuatu dan komputer menjadi lebih tidak stabil, Anda akan tahu bagaimana untuk kembali ke pengaturan awal.

kesalahan umum pada BIOS adalah mengenai CAS latency. Ini merujuk kepada Ram. Pengaturan yang salah dapat menyebabkan komputer menjadi hang.

Windows mengalokasikan lebih baik IRQ. Jika mungkin mengatur nomor IRQ secara Otomatis pada IOS. pastikan pada BIOS anda memilih Plug and Play OS untuk mengijinkan Windows mengalokasikan secara otomatis nomor IRQ.

4. Hard disk drive

Setelah beberapa bulan, informasi pada hard disk drive mulai menjadi sedikit demi sedikit mulai terbagi. Ada baiknya untuk defragment hard disk setiap minggu nya,

* Start-Program-Aksesoris-System Tools-Disk Defragmenter

5. Fatal OE exceptions dan VXD error

Kecuali kesalahan fatal OE dan kesalahan VXD biasanya disebabkan oleh masalah kartu video.

Hal ini sering kali dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah dengan mengurangi resolusi layar video.

* Start-Setting-Control Panel-Display-Setting

Jika layar freezes atau sistem Anda mengalami lockups mungkin karena masalah kartu video. Pastikan tidak ada hardware yang konflik.

* Start-Setting-Control Panel-System-Device Manager

Jika Anda memiliki perangkat keras kartu video konflik, Anda akan melihatnya di sini. Hati-hati pada saat ini dan membuat catatan dari semua yang anda lakukan jika anda melakukan hal-hal buruk.

cara lain untuk menyelesaikan masalah video adalah

* Start-Setting-Control Panel-System-Performance-Graphics

atau anda dapat Mencari driver kartu video anda dari pabriknya di internet dan mencari yang terbaru driver untuk itu.

6. Virus

Sering pertama tanda infeksi virus adalah ketidakstabilan. Beberapa virus menghapus sektor boot dari harddisk, sehingga mustahil untuk menjalankan sistem operasi. install lah program anti virus, saat ini ada antivirus yang bersifat free dan komersil, contoh yang gratis antivirus AVG dan yang komersil antivirus NORTON.

7. Printers

Tindakan yang mengirimkan dokumen untuk mencetak menciptakan sebuah file besar, yang sering disebut file postcript.

Printer hanya memiliki sejumlah kecil memori, disebut sebagai buffer. Hal ini dapat dengan mudah kelebihan beban. Pencetakan dokumen juga menggunakan banyak jumlah power CPU. Ini juga akan memperlambat kinerja komputer.

8. Software

hal Umum menyebabkan crash komputer adalah sering atau salah menginstal perangkat lunak. Sering masalah dapat atasi dengan uninstall perangkat lunak tersebut dan kemudian menginstal nya kembali.

System Registry dapat juga rusak karena proses uninstall. anda dapat menggunakanReg Cleaner untuk membersihkan System Registry yang sudah usang.
Baca petunjuk dan menggunakannya secara hati-hati agar Anda tidak melakukannya permanen kerusakan pada Registry. Jika Registry sudah rusak anda harus menginstal ulang sistem operasi Anda.

Seringkali Windows masalah dapat diselesaikan dengan memasukkan Safe Mode. Ini dapat dilakukan selama start-up. Bila Anda melihat pesan “Starting Windows” tekan F8. Ini akan membawa Anda ke dalam Safe Mode.

Safe Mode akan loads minimal driver. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menemukan dan memperbaiki masalah loading Windows.

9. Overheating

CPU biasanya dilengkapi dengan fans untuk menjaga suhu agar tetap dingin. Jika gagal atau jika kipas CPU sudah lama mungkin akan mulai menjadi terlalu panas dan menghasilkan kesalahan yang disebut kesalahan kernel. Ini adalah masalah umum di chip yang telah overclocked untuk beroperasi pada kecepatan yang lebih tinggi dari yang seharusnya.

cobalah masuk ke BIOS untuk melihat temperatur mainboard dan cpu. disini akan telihat jika status temperatur mencapai angka yang membahayakan.

10. Masalah power supply

pasokan listrik yang tidak stabil dapat membuat komputer menjadi terganggu.
Jika hal ini telah menjadi gangguan bagi Anda, maka pertimbangkan untuk membeli UPS.
Ini adalah investasi yang baik jika data anda sangat penting, karena akan menyebabkan daya listrik yang tiba-tiba hilang atau naik turun dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada hardisk penyimpanan data anda.

Teleskop Matahari Terbesar Buatan India

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 7:02 AM

Luar biasa kemajuan India dalam hal astronomi. Negara ini makin dekat mewujudkan impian untuk membangun teleskop Matahari terbesar di dunia.

Ladakh, di kaki Himalaya dipilih sebagai lokasi. Teleskop ini nantinya ditujukan untuk mempelajari struktur mikroskopik Matahari. Proyek teleskop atau The National Large Solar Telescope (NLST) diperkirakan menghabiskan dana sekitar US$31 juta.

"Teleskop matahari akan membantu mempelajari struktur mikroskopik Matahari dan melakukan pengamatan khusus soal hal-hal yang spekulatif tentang alam," kata direktur Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Siraj Hasan, seperti dimuat Space Daily, Jumat 3 September 2010.

Teleskop ini memang khusus digunakan untuk mempelajari Sang Surya. Teleskop jenis ini dilengkapi sistem optik cermin datar untuk melacak sinar Matahari dan mengarahkannya ke teleskop.

Matahari adalah bintang yang menjadi pusat tata surya. Tiga perempat dari massa matahari terdiri dari hidrogen dan sisanya helium. Kurang dari dua persennya terdiri dari unsur-unsur yang lebih berat, termasuk oksigen, karbon, neon dan besi.

Proyek unik ini melibatkan beberapa organisasi ilmiah seperti Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational-Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research dan Inter-University Centre.

"Pertemuan diskusi pra-teknis akan diselenggarakan pada bulan Oktober," kata Hasan.

Meskipun teleskop dengan optik berdiameter 10 meter di Mauna Kea, Hawaii adalah yang terbesar, teleskop India akan menjadi terbesar di antara teleskop khusus Matahari.

Saat ini, teleskop Matahari terbesar di dunia adalah Teleskop McMath-Pierce Solar, dengan diameter 1,6 meter di Observatorium Nasional Kitt Peak di Arizona di Amerika Serikat.

"Semakin besar diameter dan makin besar permukaan yang tersedia untuk menyerap sinar matahari, makin banyak sinar Matahari yang dikumpulkan tiap detiknya. Ini memungkinkan peneliti untuk mengumpulkan data dengan lebih jelas dan mendapatkan hasil yang akurat," kata Hasan.

Teleskop matahari bisa mempelajari partikel yang tersebar dalam jarak 50 km dari matahari.

Agar optimal, teleskop memerlukan lokasi dengan waktu terang Matahari yang panjang, juga lokasi memiliki tingkat visibilitas yang jelas.


Teleskop Terbesar di Dunia

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 6:58 AM

Hawaii telah terpilih sebagai tempat dibangunnya teleskop raksasa di dunia. Teleskop ini nantinya akan menjadi perangkat tercanggih yang membantu para ilmuwan untuk mempelajari lebih dalam tentang alam jagat ini.

Besarnya ukuran teleskop ini mampu menandingi teleskop berukuran besar yang pernah ada sebelumya. Kaca teleskopnya saja memiliki diameter berukuran hampir 100 kaki, atau kira-kira sama dengan panjang sayap pesawat Boeing 737.

Teleskop ini memiliki kemampuan mengumpulkan cahaya yang akan setara dengan 13 juta tahun berpergian keliling Bumi.

Ini artinya, para ahli astronomi yang melihat dengan teleskop tersebut akan bisa melihat citra pembentukan awal galaksi dan bintang yang terjadi 400 juta tahun setelah fenomena Big Bang.

"Perangkat ini akan sangat membantu kita mengetahui sejarah Bumi," kata juru bicara Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory, Charles Blue, seperti dikutip dari News Yahoo, Rabu (22/7/2009).

Teleskop ini dijadwalkan selesai pada 2018 dan akan ditempatkan di puncak gunung berapi yang tidak aktif yang menjadi kawasan favorit para astronom dalam meneliti objek langit.

Tempat ini juga terpilih karena dianggap memenuhi persyaratan, berada pada ketinggian 13.796 kaki sehingga sangat memungkinkan untuk melihat pemandangan langit dengan jelas.

Selain itu, Hawaii pun termasuk kawasan terisolasi di tengah lautan Pasifik sehingga akan memaksimalkan pengamatan karena terlindungi dari polusi udara dan cahaya.


NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in Our Galaxy

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 6:44 AM

ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2010) — NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has unveiled a previously unseen structure centered in the Milky Way. The feature spans 50,000 light-years and may be the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the center of our galaxy.

"What we see are two gamma-ray-emitting bubbles that extend 25,000 light-years north and south of the galactic center," said Doug Finkbeiner, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., who first recognized the feature. "We don't fully understand their nature or origin."

The structure spans more than half of the visible sky, from the constellation Virgo to the constellation Grus, and it may be millions of years old. A paper about the findings has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

Finkbeiner and his team discovered the bubbles by processing publicly available data from Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT). The LAT is the most sensitive and highest-resolution gamma-ray detector ever launched. Gamma rays are the highest-energy form of light.

Other astronomers studying gamma rays hadn't detected the bubbles partly because of a fog of gamma rays that appears throughout the sky. The fog happens when particles moving near the speed of light interact with light and interstellar gas in the Milky Way. The LAT team constantly refines models to uncover new gamma-ray sources obscured by this so-called diffuse emission. By using various estimates of the fog, Finkbeiner and his colleagues were able to isolate it from the LAT data and unveil the giant bubbles.

Scientists now are conducting more analyses to better understand how the never-before-seen structure was formed. The bubble emissions are much more energetic than the gamma-ray fog seen elsewhere in the Milky Way. The bubbles also appear to have well-defined edges. The structure's shape and emissions suggest it was formed as a result of a large and relatively rapid energy release -- the source of which remains a mystery.

One possibility includes a particle jet from the supermassive black hole at the galactic center. In many other galaxies, astronomers see fast particle jets powered by matter falling toward a central black hole. While there is no evidence the Milky Way's black hole has such a jet today, it may have in the past. The bubbles also may have formed as a result of gas outflows from a burst of star formation, perhaps the one that produced many massive star clusters in the Milky Way's center several million years ago.

"In other galaxies, we see that starbursts can drive enormous gas outflows," said David Spergel, a scientist at Princeton University in New Jersey. "Whatever the energy source behind these huge bubbles may be, it is connected to many deep questions in astrophysics."

Hints of the bubbles appear in earlier spacecraft data. X-ray observations from the German-led Roentgen Satellite suggested subtle evidence for bubble edges close to the galactic center, or in the same orientation as the Milky Way. NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe detected an excess of radio signals at the position of the gamma-ray bubbles.

The Fermi LAT team also revealed Nov. 9 the instrument's best picture of the gamma-ray sky, the result of two years of data collection.

"Fermi scans the entire sky every three hours, and as the mission continues and our exposure deepens, we see the extreme universe in progressively greater detail," said Julie McEnery, Fermi project scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

NASA's Fermi is an astrophysics and particle physics partnership, developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, with important contributions from academic institutions and partners in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden and the United States.

"Since its launch in June 2008, Fermi repeatedly has proven itself to be a frontier facility, giving us new insights ranging from the nature of space-time to the first observations of a gamma-ray nova," said Jon Morse, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "These latest discoveries continue to demonstrate Fermi's outstanding performance."


Monday, November 15, 2010


Posted by Silahkan Buka On 7:09 PM

Tujuan utama dari SKY-MAP untuk mengkonsolidasikan informasi astronomi, astrofisika dan lain tentang benda-benda ruang yang berbeda dan fakta astrofisika.

Beberapa kelebihan SKY-MAP.ORG diantaranya adalah:
  • Sistem ini dapat menampilkan sekitar 500 juta ruang benda dari langit bintang.
  • Informasi tentang setiap objek mungkin dilengkapi dan diedit.
  • Ada pencarian mudah obyek di tempat.
  • Para pengguna dapat meng-upload foto-foto dari distrik langit bintang dan mengintegrasikan objek di peta dengan objek di foto.
  • Versi pertama API diterapkan.
Kunjungi webnya!

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 6:58 PM

Nearly 400 years after Galileo first observed the heavens through a telescope, we continue to seek answers to age-old questions about the universe. And while the technology has evolved over the centuries, the inquiry remains essentially the same: What's out there, where did it come from, and what does it mean?

At the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), we're working hard to study and explain the once-unimaginable celestial phenomena now made visible using Hubble's cutting-edge technology. In the course of this exploration we will continue to share with you the grace and beauty of the universe, because the discoveries belong to all of us.

Probe deeper! Explore the following links to learn more about who we are and what we do.

If you are visiting the Baltimore/Washington area, make it a point to come to our monthly Hubble Public Talks and learn about Hubble's latest discoveries first-hand.

HubbleSite is produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute's Office of Public Outreach.


Saturday, November 13, 2010


Posted by Silahkan Buka On 7:22 AM

The theory of everything (TOE) is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena, and, ideally, has predictive power for the outcome of any experiment that could be carried out in principle.

Initially, the term was used with an ironic connotation to refer to various overgeneralized theories. For example, a great-grandfather of Ijon Tichy—a character from a cycle of Stanisław Lem's science fiction stories of the 1960s—was known to work on the "General Theory of Everything". Physicist John Ellis claims to have introduced the term into the technical literature in an article in Nature in 1986. Over time, the term stuck in popularizations of quantum physics to describe a theory that would unify or explain through a single model the theories of all fundamental interactions of nature.

There have been many theories of everything proposed by theoretical physicists over the last century, but none have been confirmed experimentally. The primary problem in producing a TOE is that the accepted theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity are hard to combine. Their mutual incompatibility argues that they are incomplete, or at least not fully understood taken individually. (For more, see unsolved problems in physics).

Based on theoretical holographic principle arguments from the 1990s, many physicists believe that 11-dimensional M-theory, which is described in many sectors by matrix string theory, in many other sectors by perturbative string theory is the complete theory of everything, although there is no widespread consensus and M-theory is not a completed theory but rather an approach for producing one.

New discoveries

The search for a unifying theory was interrupted by the discovery of the strong and weak nuclear forces, which could not be subsumed into either gravity or electromagnetism. A further hurdle was the acceptance that quantum mechanics had to be incorporated from the start, rather than emerging as a consequence of a deterministic unified theory, as Einstein had hoped. Gravity and electromagnetism could always peacefully coexist as entries in a list of Newtonian forces, but for many years it seemed that gravity could not even be incorporated into the quantum framework, let alone unified with the other fundamental forces. For this reason, work on unification for much of the twentieth century, focused on understanding the three "quantum" forces: electromagnetism and the weak and strong forces. The first two were unified in 1967–68 by Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weinberg, and Abdus Salam as the "electroweak" force. However, while the strong and electroweak forces peacefully coexist in the Standard Model of particle physics, they remain distinct. Several Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) have been proposed to unify them. Although the simplest GUTs have been experimentally ruled out, the general idea, especially when linked with supersymmetry, remains strongly favored by the theoretical physics community.

Apa itu Planet ?

Posted by Silahkan Buka On 7:05 AM


Saat sistem ekstrasolar belum ditemukan, perbedaan antara planet dan bintang dapat didefinisikan dengan jelas. Contohnya antara Jupiter dan bintang terkecil (75 kali massa Jupiter) keduanya dapat langsung dibedakan.

Montase Tata Surya. Kredit : NASA

Tahun 1995, planet pertama di bintang lain ditemukan dan semenjak itu sudah ada 495 planet di bintang lain yang ditemukan dengan massa 0.006 – 21 Massa Jupiter. Awalnya diperkirakan obyek-obyek tersebut merupakan bintang yang kecil sebagai bagian dari sistem bintang ganda, namun karakternya yang berbeda menunjukkan kalau obyek tersebut bukanlah bintang.

Pada tahun 2003, sebuah obyek mirip Pluto ditemukan di Tata Surya sekaligus menjadi pbyek paling jauh di Tata Surya. Sedna, benda yang berada di sabuk kuiper ini kemudia membawa para ahli untuk kembali mempertanyakan definisi planet? dan apakah Pluto itu planet atau bukan. Di tahun 2005, penemuan Eris memicu kembali perdebatan tentang definisi planet di kalangan astronom, sekaligus mengubah sejarah pendefinisian planet di Tata Surya maupun di bintang-bintang lainnya.

Dalam menentukan definisi planet, ada 3 area yang ditinjau yakni : Karakteristik fisik atau ukuran, Orbit, dan asal usul pembentukan.

Apa itu planet? berdasarkan kamus, planet adalah obyek langit yang bersinar karena memantulkan cahaya dari bintang dan bergerak mengelilingi bintang. Bagi masyarakat awam, planet adalah anggota tata surya yang bergerak mengitari matahari.

Bagi para pengamat langit, planet merupakan obyek langit yang tidak berkelap kelip seperti bintang karena planet tidak dapat menghasilkan cahaya. Namun bagi para peneliti, definisi planet tidak semudah itu. Hasil pengamatan selama bertahun-tahun yang disertai berbagai teori memberikan berbagai definisi tentang planet. Sebagian kutipan definisi planet tersebut sebagai berikut :

Geoffry W Marcy:
Planet adalah obyek yang memiliki massa antara yang dipunyai Pluto dan ambang pembakaran deutrium dan yang terbentuk dalam orbit di sekeliling obyek yang dapat membangkitkan energi melalui reaksi nuklir.

G H A Cole:
planet adalah sebuah benda dingin

Gibor Basri:
planet adalah non fusor yang sferis yang lahir dalam orbit disekeliling suatu fusor.

Alan Stern & Hal Levinson:
planet adalah benda keplanetan yang terikat dalam orbit sekeliling sistem multi bintang dan bintang tunggal.

Mike Brown
planet adalah obyek dalam tata surya yang lebih masif dari total massa obyek lainnya dalam orbit yang berdekatan atau sama.

Planet sendiri berasal dari kata Yunani “wanderer” atau “pengelana” yang merupakan obyek langit dingin, dan tidak menghasilkan energi. Planet hanya dapat memantulkan cahaya bergantung pada besar albedonya. Sebagai benda dingin, planet tidak memiliki sumber energi panas yang signifikan didalamnya dan tidak dipengaruhi oleh temperatur. Bila pada katai coklat dan bintang proses termonuklir menyuplai energi panas internal, pada planet energi panas diperoleh dari luar dirinya misalnya dari bintang induk. Selain itu kondisi interior planet, tidak cukup memadai untuk menyebabkan ionisasi atom-atom pembentuknya.

Problema Ukuran Sebuah Planet
Keberadaan Pluto sebagai planet semakin hari semakin terancam, bahkan seharusnya sejak awal Pluto tidak ditempatkan sebagai planet. Ukuran Pluto yang kecil bahkan kurang dari setengah kali ukuran planet lainnya, dengan orbit yang berbeda dari planet lainnya menyebabkan sebagian astronom menempatkannya sebagai bagian dari Sabuk Kuipert. Sabuk Kuipert diketahui keberadaannya pada tahun 1982 dengan anggota batu-batuan yang beku.

Menurut Michael A’Hearn, astronom dari University of Maryland dan mantan presiden divisi IAU’s Planetary Systems Sciences, “seandainya saja saat Pluto ditemukan (thn 1930), kita telah mengetahui adanya sabuk Kuipert, maka ia akan menjadi obyek raksasa Sabuk Kuipert”.

Pada awal tahun 1999, terjadi perdebatan di kalangan IAU saat Pluto diberikan dua status sebagai planet dan sebagai obyek trans-neptunian, mengacu pada lokasinya yang jauh. Namun status ini kemudian dibatalkan dan sampai saat ini kita masih mengenal Pluto sebagai salah satu planet dalam tata surya.

Dengan menggunakan perhitungan batas massa dari G.H.A. Cole berdasarkan komposisi pembentukannya, maka Pluto masih dapat dikategorikan sebagai planet. Demikian juga halnya dengan Varuna, Quouar, Ceres dan Sedna. Namun bagi mereka yang menganggap Pluto bukanlah planet, maka Sedna akan tetap dikenal sebagai planetoid.

Sistem Tata Surya berdasarkan klasifikasi baru. Kredit : IAU

Resolusi IAU 2006
Tahun 2005, Mike Brown dan timnya menemukan sebuah obyek yang lebih besar dari Pluto di area Sabuk Kuiper atau juga dikenal sebagai obyek trans-Neptunian. Keberadaan benda kecil yang awalnya dikenal sebagai 2003 UB313 menjadi pemicu perdebatan definisi planet. Pertanyaanya, dengan ukuran lebih besar dari Pluto, akankah 2003 UB313 atau yang sempat dinamai Xena ini akan menjadi planet ke-10?

Jika obyek yang kemudian resmi dinamai Eris ini menjadi planet ke-10, tentu akan ada sederetan benda-benda berukuran serupa di Sabuk Kuiper yang juga harus diperhitungkan sebagai planet. Maka, pada tahun 2006, dalam General Assembly IAU yang ke-26 di Praha, ditetapkanlah resolusi baru mengenai definisi planet :

  1. Memiliki orbit yang mengitari Matahari / bintang
  2. Memiliki massa yang besar agar gravitasinya cukup besar untuk mempertahankan bentuk bola
  3. Mampu membersihkan area sekeliling orbitnya dari benda-benda kecil.

Terkait syarat ke-3, menurut Hal Levison, ada dua cara planet membersihkan populasi benda kecil disekelilingnya :

  1. Planet bisa mengakresi benda-benda kecil tersebut
  2. Planet tersebut secara gravitasional melontarkan benda-benda kecil disekelilingnya keluar dari Tata Surya.

Resolusi IAU tersebut menghasilkan 3 kategori utama dalam Tata Surya :

  1. Planet : 8 obyek dari Merkurius, Venus, Bumi, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, Neptunus
  2. Planet Katai : Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris dan obyek bundar lainnya yang belum menyapu bersih lingkungan disekitar orbitnya, dan bukan merupakan satelit
  3. Benda Kecil di Tata Surya : semua obyek lain yang mengorbit Matahari.

Pada tahun 2008, IAU menetapkan nama Plutoid bagi obyek planet kerdil yang berada di luar orbit Neptunus atau yang juga dikenal sebagai trans Neptunian object. Plutoid merupakan benda langit yang mengorbit Matahari pada jarak lebih besar dari jarak Neptunus. Mereka memiliki massa yang cukup agar gaya gravitasi dapat mempertahankan bentuk bola. Kriteria lainnya adalah area di sekeliling orbit plutoid masih belum bersih dari obyek-obyek lainnya.


Posted by Silahkan Buka On 6:58 AM

Astronomi, yang secara etimologi berarti "ilmu bintang" (dari Yunani: άστρο, + νόμος), adalah ilmu yang melibatkan pengamatan dan penjelasan kejadian yang terjadi di luar Bumi dan atmosfernya. Ilmu ini mempelajari asal-usul, evolusi, sifat fisik dan kimiawi benda-benda yang bisa dilihat di langit (dan di luar Bumi), juga proses yang melibatkan mereka.

Selama sebagian abad ke-20, astronomi dianggap terpilah menjadi astrometri, mekanika langit, dan astrofisika. Status tinggi sekarang yang dimiliki astrofisika bisa tercermin dalam nama jurusan universitas dan institut yang dilibatkan di penelitian astronomis: yang paling tua adalah tanpa kecuali bagian 'Astronomi' dan institut, yang paling baru cenderung memasukkan astrofisika di nama mereka, kadang-kadang mengeluarkan kata astronomi, untuk menekankan sifat penelitiannya. Selanjutnya, penelitian astrofisika, secara khususnya astrofisika teoretis, bisa dilakukan oleh orang yang berlatar belakang ilmu fisika atau matematika daripada astronomi.

Astronomi Bulan: kawah besar ini adalah Daedalus, yang dipotret kru Apollo 11 selagi mereka mengedari Bulan pada 1969. Ditemukan di tengah sisi gelap bulan Bumi, garis tengahnya sekitar 93 km

Astronomi adalah salah satu di antara sedikit ilmu pengetahuan di mana amatir masih memainkan peran aktif, khususnya dalam hal penemuan dan pengamatan fenomena sementara. Astronomi jangan dikelirukan dengan astrologi, ilmusemu yang mengasumsikan bahwa takdir manusia dapat dikaitkan dengan letak benda-benda astronomis di langit. Meskipun memiliki asal-muasal yang sama, kedua bidang ini sangat berbeda; astronom menggunakan metode ilmiah, sedangkan astrolog tidak.
